Wednesday, September 7, 2016

"Back to School"

Today is the first day of school here in Rochester, NY. Even though I'm not going back to school, I still very much get that "back to school" feeling and I LOVE IT.


Things I love:


2) Back to school clothes shopping

3) The feeling of a "new beginning"

Even though I'm not going back to school, my job's calendar year resets in September, so I still get a similar sensation at work. And I am doing my darndest to make my version of back to school as wonderful as possible.

1) School Supplies: I am using my new planner and thoroughly enjoying it.

Last year I switched to the Erin Condren Life Planner. This was a massive shift in my life (I know you think I'm kidding but I seriously struggled to make this decision for about a month). Previously I was using a planner that had a horizontal layout and was lined. My new planner has a vertical layout and is not lined. That's a HUGE shift! However it gives me the chance to decorate it (I suppose I could have decorated the other one though...) and gives me more space, so in addition to tracking meetings and appointments, I also make note of different things I've done throughout the day. I. love. it.

Here's how my old planner looked...

And the new one!

Obviously this is the current week so Wednesday is still a work in progress, but you get the idea.

You might be asking yourself... who cares about planners this much. Well I do. And so do a lot of other people! There was a class about paper planning that I tried to sign up for but couldn't because it was sold out! See??? People like paper planners!!!

2) Back to School Clothes Shopping. Remember how I cleaned out my closet and dresser drawers? Well I obviously need to fill them back up, duh! I went shopping over the weekend and got a few pairs of pants and some new shirts, all of which sparked joy. 

The best part of back to school shopping was listening to the dressing-room banter as I was trying on clothes. I do not envy parents having to drag reluctant kids to the mall. Mom - I hope I wasn't that bad!

3) New Beginnings. What is it about them that I love so much? Seriously, nothing gets me as excited as the thought of a fresh start. New School Year, the actual new year, the start of a new month, a new season (as long as it's one I like)... the start of a new challenge or a new diet. I love starting things, and maybe even more than starting things, I love to plan how to start things. Maybe I like back to school because it is also the unofficial start of Fall? Turns out I really like Fall, so there's another reason I like this time of year!

But before the school year starts.... you get one more weekend of summer fun. Labor Day weekend! Here's how I spent mine:

Saturday - Back to School Shopping!

Sunday - Day in Buffalo with the In-Laws (Ali was visiting from DC and Chris is moving away soon, so the final hang of all in-law siblings for awhile)

Monday - Horse Races!! Andy and I had a great time watching the horse races (we didn't do well with our bets). On the way out I played one slot machine and holy cow!!!!! I hit it big!!!!!!

Not a bad way to wrap up the weekend huh?

I hope you're enjoying this back to school time of year too!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Summer Recap

Well now, haven't I done a terrible job of keeping this thing up to date! Thank you if you're still with me. With Labor Day right around the corner, summer is over and that "back to school" time of year is here. I love this time of year... probably because I like fresh starts and this feels like another chance for one. Hopefully with this fresh start, I'll stay more on top of the blog, but so that you're caught up (more or less) with what's been going on, here's an overview of what's been going on since I last left off over a month ago! Ouch!

Let's get the gross part of summer out of the way first. I worked. Hahaha

- My job in the summer involves a lot of outdoor ensemble concerts. Here's one... just repeat the same thing in a bunch of locations. I mean... there are way worse ways to spend a work day, but it's still work.

Now that that's out of the way, onto the fun stuff. :-)

I got my foot back!

- Five months later I finally said fairwell to physical therapy and once again have a fully-functioning* right foot.

* I still can't really wear any shoe with a heel. 

I finished the Whole30.

- I made it all 30 days of the Whole30. Go me! Andy also gave it a good effort and at least made it the first two weeks before creating his own version of the rules. :-) I managed to lose 9 pounds (some of which have already come back but I mean come on... it's summer and ice cream is delicious). Overall it was a good experience, I'm glad I did it, and I would be willing to do it again.

I tried a new hair color.

- Hello Rose Gold! It has more of less washed out now, but it was fun while it lasted!

Andy got a new (to us) car.

- His old car was a 2003 Ford Focus. The frame completed rotted out. Hooray for snow/salt/rust. Hopefully this one will last just as long if not longer. We were excited to join the Subaru family!

I went to a few showers. 

- I actually hosted my first shower ever, a baby shower for my friend and coworker Michelle. She's an adorable pregnant lady.

- I also went to my friend Tara's bridal shower and had the honor of making her ribbon bouquet! She had so many ribbons, it was a massive bouquet, lol.

- I have another bridal shower coming up too in just a few weeks. Tis the season!

Andy and I managed a few little mini trips.

- Andy and I went to Atlantic City to celebrate our two year anniversary :)

- On our drive back to NY (from NJ) we went through Danville, PA where my parents and I lived for a few months in 1992. This was my elementary school...

- We also stopped in Hershey, PA and went to Chocolate World!

- Later in the summer we took my first trip ever to Darien Lake (an amusement park)...

I watched a lot of Olympics

- Birdie and I got decked out for Opening Ceremonies....

- I also did my hair and makeup to watch women's gymnastics...

I've very much enjoyed our backyard this summer.

- Our bird feeder has attracted a lot of cool birds. And no I am NOT a bird person (that's for you Sheena and Andy). I JUST APPRECIATE NATURE OK?!?!?!?!?

- Considering we barely got any rain this summer and it was my first attempt at gardening, I've done pretty well!

- I finally found some chair cushions I liked. The umbrella was harder to find, but I settled on this one. Not exactly what I wanted, but I still think it looks nice.

Birdie continues to be the best and I love her so much. Here she is...

- Snuggling with one of her toys...


- Saying hello to a squirrel...

- Playing with her ball...

- Exploring Lake Ontario...

- Playing at the Dog Park...

- Look how cute she is!!!

I've done a lot of cleaning, organizing, and decorating.

- Organized our coat closet...

- Made a HUGE donation of clothes...

- Birdie got her own photo wall... :)

- Cleaned out my desk at work...

- My office at work is coming together...

- My office space at home is also coming together!

- And the epitome of future organization, I got my new planner!!!!!

There you have it! 

Goodbye Summer 2016! You've been a good one.