Friday, December 19, 2014


Earlier this week I went to the dentist. I got a clean bill of health, but was informed I needed to step up my game when it comes to flossing. I do floss... sometimes... but I learned when you floss you are supposed to get up and under the gum line and I was certainly not doing that.

And so...

I'm trying to floss daily. So far I've flossed two days in a row. Go me. :-)

My friend Rebecca and I have a joke about flossing. Whenever we feel like we are on top of our game, we say we are "flossing," because you know... most people don't floss, at least not regularly. People that floss have. their. shit. together.

I have not been a good life-flosser as of late. Since I have the next two weeks off of work, I have been scrambling to get all of my ducks in a row before saying goodbye to the office. I think I've got it all (almost) taken care of. I'll do a little more on Saturday and then - sayonara!

I'm excited for 2015 to arrive. I feel ready to hit the restart button and start flossing - both literally and figuratively - on a regular basis. I will definitely have a new year's resolution (or five) but I haven't made my final decision yet.

Here are some resolutions from past years...
- play my saxophone every day
- donate a ton of clothes (that was this year's and I did a pretty good job)
- 'help your future self' and don't put things off
- be on time. HAHAHAHAHA

I know we still have close to two weeks until the New Year arrives, but it's never to early to start planning. Any good resolution ideas out there? Things you've done in the past?

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