Monday, February 2, 2015

No Good Very Bad Weekend

This weekend was full of disappointments.

Andy and I were supposed to go look at a puppy that I had found on Craigslist. I was SO excited all day to meet her.

Two hours before we were supposed to go, I got a text - the owner had sprained her ankle, so she wanted us to come the next day instead. :(

Started the morning off with car problems.

Lani was amazing and drove over so that we could jump my car, but that still didn't work. An hour and a half later, AAA finally came and got it running. Ugh.

Later in the afternoon it was time to finally see the puppy. As we were driving out, they called. They decided to keep the dog. I cried a lot. I really had my heart set on her.

Despite Nicole's, Sheena's, and my best efforts...

... the Seahawks lost the Super Bowl in the stupidest way possible. It was so dumb!!!

And here we are to today. There is a snow storm of death happening. All of the schools are closed. But the office?? Oh no!!! Heaven forbid someone not be able to do business with a tier two orchestra during a snow storm!! Idiots... I am not happy to be at work right now. And yes, I am typing this at work because I. don't. care.

* Addendum
I will admit the entire weekend wasn't terrible. Andy and I went out to dinner on Friday night and had a really nice time. I got to take off from Job#2 on Saturday to go dress shopping with Lani for her wedding. :-) And I enjoyed hanging with Anna, Bipul, Rose, and Will for the Super Bowl, even if the game didn't turn out how I had hoped.

Now hopefully this storm will go away pronto. I know it seems trivial, but I am worried about how I will roll the trash can to the curb tomorrow night. At this point I will have to shovel a path for it!

1 comment:

  1. SO sad. Seahawks and your pup. At least we made it to the Super Bowl, and you will find a much better pup-it wasn't the right dog for you. That's how the Universe works!
