Thursday, April 16, 2015

I'm Important

Last week my CEO asked me to attend a benefit for a local music school. I said ok. I found out on Monday that it is a black tie optional event. The event is this Saturday... If you didn't follow all of that, this means I have less than a week to find a dress to wear to a black tie optional gala. Shoot me.

I went out shopping on Monday after work and tried on a gajillion dresses. None of them did anything for me. However, I did manage to buy a new shirt and pair of pants for a video shoot that I had coming up. At least I accomplished something at the mall!

On Tuesday I worked both jobs. Meh. But as I was walking out to my car at the end of the night, I saw a big bunny!!! How cool!

Anyway, Wednesday was my video shoot. Here's the outfit I wore...

I thought the colorful shirt and pants said, "I'm creative!" While the blazer said, "Yet I'm still professional." The shoes... well they just say I'm lazy, but I was assured my feet would not be in the video. I also made sure to take my Garmin off as well.

I'm perfectly comfortable speaking in front of people, but I will say it was nerve wracking to say lines to a camera without seeming like I was "reading." I'm curious to see how it will turn out. My friend Michelle was there to help, so I trust her when she said it went ok. :-)

And last but not least, my friend Lani had a cake tasting appointment for her wedding and brought the extras in for me to try. !!! Cake tasting was one of my favorite parts of planning my wedding, so I was excited to quasi-take part in her's too!

Let's have a list shall we?

What are your favorite cake flavors?? Here are mine:

(I have capitalized both because I feel THAT strongly about them)
Vanilla with good buttercream frosting
Chocolate with good buttercream frosting
German Chocolate

I think that's probably all of the cake the exists... so... well, what can I say, I like cake!

And speaking of cake, today is Sharman's Birthday!!! Anna and Lisa's mom is one of my favorite people, and I always love when she comes to visit! Happy Birthday Sharman!!!!

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