Ok let's get all things Birdie out of the way.
- She has been extra cuddly and snuggly in bed, and I think she is ADORABLE.
- We discovered a new dog park for small dogs, and she loves it! Not only does she make lots of new friends (she's somewhere in the middle of that pile of dogs), but she's also mastered the A-Frame obstacle. Now she can run up and down it with no problem!
- She's also making new friends at Saturday morning small dog playtime (seriously, this dog hit the jackpot with us, haha).
- She helps me do my exercise DVDs everyday, and by help I mean she likes to crawl on top of me whenever I have to get on the ground to do sit ups.
- We even had our first family picture taken at PetSmart. Yay for family photo. Boo for PetSmart's TERRIBLE attempt at creating a backdrop for pictures....
I know this comes as no surprise, but I am obsessed with Birdie. I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!! Getting her was, hands down, the best part of 2015 for both Andy and I. :-)
Ok, so in other news.... Andy and I have also had the fortune of sharing several really good homemade dinners with friends. On the first night of Hanuka we had a vegetarian feast.
Bipul was in town, which was an added bonus. He and Andy were wearing matching hoodies, lol. Gotta love Costco!
On another night, Andy made Shakshuka for Will and Rose (sadly Anna was in Omaha visiting Bipul so she was sorely missed). Andy LOVES Shakshuka - I'll admit, it's pretty darn good. We have it about once a week at our house, so Will and Rose were very excited to finally try it.
As far as work goes, the orchestra is in full holiday swing. Kristin and I went to see them play the soundtrack live to Home Alone. I haven't seen that movie in so long. It was fun, but I'm good for another 10-15 years as far as seeing Home Alone is concerned, haha. I also arranged the annual brass quintet holiday concert at the hospital, which went over very well.
So there you have it!
Only a few days left until we are heading west. I'll try to update once more before heading home for Christmas. !!!!!!!!!!!
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