Monday, August 31, 2015

Back to School

It's my first day of school work! I've been out of the office for three weeks, which has been heaven. I'll say I was almost excited to go back today, although I think it's mostly because it lines up with the start of school, and I always really looked forward to going to school... it's an exciting time - kind of like New Years Day. It is the start of a new year, just at a different time. And actually Job #1's fiscal year runs September 1-August 31, so we have the same calendar as schools too. What can I say, I'm a sucker for "new beginnings."

In true fashion, whenever I have a new beginning to prepare for, I must..... PLAN, CLEAN, AND ORGANIZE!!!

And so I have...

...cleaned out the fridge! And have subsequently gone grocery shopping for healthy foods, because obviously new beginnings require perfect diets. ;)

...organized the top of my dresser! And I also dusted it... a lot. my dresser drawers! This is a new folding system for me, and allows me to see everything I have all at once.

...hung up all of my scarves in one place and cleaned out my closet! Now everything in there not only fits, but I like it!

...worked on my clothes in the attic! I have soooo many clothes and our house has very little storage, so our attic works as a second closet for me. I also fluctuate sizes fairly frequently - now all of my dresses, skirts, pants, and shirts are categorized by size and then further organized by color!

And in the process of going through everything, I got rid of a LOT of things.

All of the bags (except the bright blue IKEA bag) are ready to head out to be donated. Good job me!! Also, if you look closely you will see a black blob in the IKEA bag. That's Birdie!!!! She helped by laying in our bag of clothes that need to go to the dry cleaners. :-)

Needless to say, I got a lot done around the house in my final week off. Andy and I also sat down to do some goal planning - both short and long term. I know that's not exactly his cup of tea, so I appreciated him humoring me.

Last night I could barely stay asleep. I don't know if I was excited (can't be) to go to work, or just nervous I would miss my alarm since I was waking up earlier than normal (most likely). But I'll admit, it was fun to wake up and get ready with a purpose... and it was especially fun to make my lunch.

Don't worry. I imagine I will go back to my usual grumpy work self VERY soon, but for now I'll enjoy the "newness" of it. :-)

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