Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My Mommy Is Here!

That's right! My mom has been with us for the last week (and still has one more week to go!!!!). It's pretty much been the best. She did all of my laundry (thank you), thoroughly cleaned the bathroom (thank you thank you), re-organized our entire attic (thank you thank you thank you), and has taken care of Birdie every day while Andy and I are off at work (thank you thank you thank you thank you). Of course there's more... she's washed a million dishes, bought us groceries, cooked us dinner... the list goes on!

But we've made sure to have fun too. We also...
- saw Cinderella at the cheap movie theater
- went to the Park Avenue Street Festival
- went shopping
- watched one of Andy's concerts
- went to the Casino!!!

And we still have a week left!

Having her pretty much take care of everything on the homefront has helped me to be a lot more relaxed and not so stressed with finishing up at work before I take time off. It's also allowed me time to do my workout DVDs. :) Thank you Mom!!!

Ok picture time.

Here we are at the casino buffet. Yummmm. After dinner we went on to win big, walking out of the casino having made enough to cover all three of our dinners plus an extra $56! Anna and Bipul met us out at the casino too, which was really fun. Thanks for making the trip out you two!

And now Birdie picture time, as she is pretty much all I manage to take pictures of these days. Here is our happy (sleepy) little pack.

Here she is on my pillow. This seems to be one of her favorite places to sleep, which is awfully cute, but... my neck has also been hurting lately, so I think she's going to have to find a new favorite place. 

And finally... we left her at home one night with an assortment of toys to play with. When we came home, we found them all inside her crate!!! She was either trying to be organized or trying to hoard her toys. Either way it was adorable. :-) 

I sure do love my Birdie girl!

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