Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Gone to the Dogs

It's true! My world has gone to the dogs. One in particular - my precious little Birdie! I love her SO much. And now that I only have one job, I feel like I get to see her so much more. In fact, here's how I spent my first free Tuesday night...

She is covering me in kisses. I think she likes having me home too. :-)

Best new thing that has happened in regards to Birdie - Andy got her registered for the dog park! I think Birdie, Andy, and I all equally like going there. It's very nice!

We've probably been to the dog park 6 or 7 times at this point. You should hear her on the car ride there. She cannot contain her excitement - it's really funny.

Anna also gifted two nutcracker toys to Birdie. Thank you Anna!!

Sadly she has already destroyed the blue one (pictured above) but the red one is still holding on!

The temperature has been dropping over these last few days, causing Miss Birdie to shiver whenever she goes outside. To help, I got her this stylish sweater from TJ Maxx (as well as the red coat that she wears to the dog park). Andy thinks it's an old lady sweater, but I think she looks very cute in it.

And I got it right in the nick of time because.... we had our first "real" snow of the season. We had flurries once before, but this is the first time it stuck. Which means Birdie got to see her first snow!!! Mostly she just seemed very confused and all she wanted to do was eat it.

Look at her adorable snow beard!!

Can we just look at her sweet little face for a minute? I sure do love her.

Ok ok, I know. You all aren't obsessed with her the way I am. On to other things. Will turned 30!!!! Happy Birthday Will!

Hmmm what else. My boss had his appendix out, which made Job #1 my job a little crazy for a few days, but everything went well and is back to being relatively calm. Thanksgiving is around the corner and I'm planning to make a few dishes for Andy and I to have at home. Also with Thanksgiving almost here, our friends' families are coming into town! We have already seen Rose's mom Judith who Andy and I both love. Tonight I will get an awesome dose of Steltenpohl as Lisa, Sharman, and Eric are now all here. !!!! Can't wait!!!!! And Will's parents are also coming out this way too! Bipul too!!! Should be a fun week on the whole.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Goodbye Midtown

My history with Midtown Athletic Club is long. During my second year at Eastman, my friend Angela took me there to take a class called "Turbo Kick." I instantly fell in love with the club and became a member. Once I graduated and moved back home to WA, I cancelled my membership. So sad.

I came back to Rochester at the end of the summer. It was time to start building a life... I needed a job (or what would turn out to be multiple jobs). But being back in Rochester, I also felt like I desperately needed to go back to Midtown. And so I applied for a job and voila! I was a front desk associate.... and that job came with a free membership. Perfect.

My tenure at the front desk lasted a little over seven years. And so I shall do my best to list the best of times and the worst of times. We'll end with the good stuff, because on the whole, that's what I know I will remember most. :-)

The Terrible Horrible moments while working at Midtown Athletic Club
- Searching through the lost and found and finding someone's underwear. All. the. time.

- Being accused of not saying hello to someone because I am racist. Yes, that happened.

- Being accused of not saying hello to someone because I hate fat people. Yes, that also happened.

- Saying hello to someone, or asking how their day is going and receiving no response. I would often wonder (out loud) if sound was actually coming out of my mouth.

- Having members yell at you because of _______. Insert anything. Seriously, anything. It's happened.

- Having to run away from the desk to hide from a member because 1) they will trap you and talk to you for 30 minutes, or 2) because they are incredibly creepy and have found your work email and asked to get together to "play duets" sometime. No.

- Being referred to as "Blondy" by the COO of Midtown Corporate. I hate him.

- Watching members yell at my coworkers/friends to the point that they cry. We have all cried because of a member at some point. 

- Having things thrown at you... usually car keys, sometimes empty envelopes or other papers members don't want. 

Seriously, some very strange things have happened at the desk. People have actually asked us to put their contacts in their eyeballs for them. Another woman demanded we get her car for her because there was snow outside. And I do not use the word "demanded" lightly. The displays of entitlement were, at first, absolutely mind-blowing to me. Eventually you don't let anything phase you because you've seen it all! 

And so as you can see, dealing with the members more or less makes up all of the bad parts of that job. However! There are some incredibly wonderful people that are members at Midtown. 

- One time a member gave Andy and I tickets to go into a VIP room for a boxing match because he saw us wishfully hanging around outside. They were $30 a piece.

- One member brought Alyssa pancake mix, just because he knows how much she loves pancakes.

- One member (a pediatrician) regularly brings formula for Laura's new baby girl.

- Tons of members bring the front desk treats. Donuts and muffins on Sunday mornings, chocolates on Valentines day, and an embarrassment of goodies for the holidays.    

There are a lot of other wonderful member moments, although honestly the best members are the friendly people who pause every single day to say hello, ask how you're doing, remember details about your life and ask about them... two of my favorites are Matt Degma who always asked about and encouraged my running, and Tim Reitz who was always so friendly and asked me about my job at the RPO among other things. Both made me feel like they really cared.

So while some members were not so good, there are others that are very good. And the club is very good. The equipment is great, the pool is amazing, the classes are really fun. But the best most wonderful thing about Midtown was the people I worked with.

The Best of the Best while working at Midtown (in no particular order)

- For some reason that still is unknown to me, I was invited during my first few weeks of work to hang out with Lisa, Elizabeth, Emily, and Alyssa. Little did I know, those girls would turn out to be my longest friends that I've had here in Rochester (even though Emily doesn't live here anymore, we still keep in touch). I have been to every one of their weddings, and they were all at mine (except Emily who was busy having a baby while I walked down the aisle, lol). We've been there for each other through major life moments... engagements, weddings, babies, loved ones passing on... these girls mean everything to me. I truly love them. Fun times with these girls include... watching "Fat Bachelor," 6:00am boot camp, dog walks, a million and one runs/races, "brinner" otherwise known as breakfast for dinner, FroYo, but best of all... countless smiles and laughs. :-)

- Running. I would have never been the runner I was if it weren't for being at Midtown. Why? Because that's where I met Carrie. Carrie and I worked on Tuesdays together, and one night she said, "Want to train for a half marathon with me?" HA!!! I had only run one 5k years earlier and that was a massive accomplishment for me. Add 10 miles to that??? But here's the thing. Carrie can be very persuasive. And I'm glad she was. We ran every single training run together that summer and in September we crossed the line of our first half marathon together. I will never forget that feeling of accomplishment and to be experiencing it next to someone I grew very close to over all of those miles. And amazingly/thankfully, I've been able to share running with SO many of my friends at Midtown... Alyssa, Sarah, Kristin, Marcia, Katie, and Emily. How cool is that! Thanks to Carrie, I can now say I've run countless 5ks, a few 10ks, 4 or 5 half marathons - including one trail half marathon with both Carrie and Emily (NEVER AGAIN), and a full marathon!!! When I ran my full marathon, I carried a collage of pictures with me of all the people that ran with me during my marathon training - let's just say everyone on it (besides my mom, dad, and Andy) I met at Midtown.

- Other forms of fitness...especially ZUMBA!!!!! Before Midtown, my experience with exercise included the treadmill and Tae Bo workouts on VHS. Through Midtown, I discovered spinning. In fact my first vivid memory of talking to Anna was after we had both taken a spinning class together - the start of another amazing important friendship for me. Although a member of the club, Anna became an honorary member of the Midtown Front Desk family along with her sister Lisa. Kristin and I got into yoga together for awhile. I also discovered Zumba, and with that ZUMBA SARAH, haha. Again, another amazing friendship. Sarah and I also did personal training together, that was certainly new! And as Midtown brought different types of exercises into the club: tabata, boxing, etc I gave all of those a try, but never alone.... Katie, Kristin, Diane, Sarah, Anna... someone was always there to try it with me. :-)

- As the years went on, people moved shifts and new people were hired to the desk - my list of VIFs (very important friends) grew. Sue, Katie, Kristin, Ted, Laura, and Diane. And there are tons more people I've worked with and loved... Melanie, Julie, Marcia, Earl, Sandy, Spencer, and Kumba to name a few. We've had fun both on the desk (Ted taught me how to properly throw a ball, Kristin and I rated the flower arrangement each week, etc) and off the desk (hello Midtown Holiday parties!). 

- And last but not least, Seetha. My beautiful Seetha. Even though she only worked at Midtown for a brief period, she completely changed my life. I was driving myself crazy measuring food, counting calories, obsessing about every little thing I put in my mouth. And Seetha made it all go away for me. I know people think I'm crazy, but I do believe she saved me. To this day, Seetha still pops up in my life even though she's living in Arizona now. On Wednesday she called out of the blue - it was the best.

I know I'm missing a million things from my list of good things above, but I'll stop for now. Instead here are some pictures (in no particular order) of wonderful people and moments made possible by my time at Midtown Athletic Club.


Good times. AMAZING People. 

Fun fact - Andy used to work at Midtown too! He was on the Maintenance Crew one summer. :-)

So why leave? Because most of the people in the above pictures are gone, since my knee surgery I've barely used the club, and after 7 years I just feel like I need a little more time to relax. Thankfully, my friendships with my Midtown peeps are solid. These people are in my life for good. But I still have to admit...

It's still a little hard to say goodbye.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Weekend in Review

Last night was my final night at Job #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More on that next time. For now, I will focus on this past weekend. Here's what went down.

Andy and I were both amazingly free on Friday night. We wanted to make the most of it, so of course we ate Taco Bell while watching TV. :) Yep! There's a fast food chain in Western, NY called "Mighty Taco." Andy grew up with that... I have tried it on a few occasions with him and I have my reservations. I, on the other hand, grew up with Taco Bell. Andy was not as familiar with Taco Bell (or Taco Smell as he calls it). For a long time we have discussed having a Mighty Taco/Taco Bell taste test night, and I thought this Friday would be it. But we were tired, didn't feel like driving all over, so Taco Bell alone it was!!!! We ordered bean burritos and bean tacos (I'm still not eating meat) and brought them home. Then we put on our pajamas and ate Taco Bell on the couch while watching episodes of "The Great British Bake Off." It. Was. Awesome.

And just to be clear, Andy said he still prefers Mighty Taco. Jerk face...

I cleaned all the things, and then I RAKED. I will say, fall is very pretty here, but after awhile, it's like...enough with the leaves already! I rake daily, then wake up in the morning and it looks like I never did a thing. Sigh.

In the afternoon, Birdie and I headed over to see my friend Sue. Birdie got to meet Sue's two cats (that was hilarious) and then we took her shopping with us! Parkleigh is a cute little store here that I learned, thanks to Sue, is incredibly dog friendly. At Parkleigh, Birdie met Claude and the two played in a back storage room. I also bought a new lunch box that I am in love with.

We were invited to Charlotte's baptism - Charlotte is Elizabeth's new baby girl. Elizabeth has such a beautiful family so it was really nice to be there to support them. And a bonus was getting to see some of my favorite Midtown girls that were there too!

After the baptism, Andy had to go play a concert. I... well, I raked again. Ugh. But later in the night, Rose came over and brought Luna with her. Rose has been knitting Andy a hat and needed to measure his massive head to make sure it would fit. Birdie and Luna had a great time romping around! You can tell my the motion in the first picture that a lot was going on haha.

And there you have it! A successful weekend all around. Hope yours was good too. :-)