Friday, October 23, 2015

Birdie Gets Spayed

Our precious little Birdie girl got spayed last week. My poor baby girl!!! She did really well and has adjusted to life with the cone of shame (although that will come off this weekend).

She still manages to "clean up" her toys... or hoard her toys.... we're not really sure what she's thinking, but it's cute!

Her precious little face.

With those ears and that cone, I wonder what she is able to hear!

Nothing can stop her from chewing on sticks!

Or from giving kisses!!!

She's still able to curl up and get quite comfortable.

However she's been very cold lately - probably partly due to the fact that they shaved her belly.

I'm so proud of my precious peanut princess. But MAN does she need some exercise. We've been trying to keep her calm this week and not taking her for walks or playing with her too much (vet's orders).... you can tell she has a LOT of pent up energy. Only a few more days until she's "cleared" to go back to her normal activity levels. We can't wait.

In other news....

October 18th - first snow of the season. Thankfully it didn't stick around, but uuuuugggghhh I am not ready for winter....

Andy also made an awesome brunch on Sunday (snow day) - his parents came over so he went all out. Everything was delicious.

As far as everything else goes... life's just chugging along. Work is fine... my schedule was insane earlier in the month, now Andy's is insane.... this Sunday will be the first day in October that both of us have free together. I'm not sure we'll even know what to do with ourselves. I really wish we both only had one job each and worked during normal business hours... we'd be able to eat dinner together, take Birdie for walks together, have a weekend together.... but that's just not in the cards for us. Booo. 

Hmm what else. Well, today marks 9 weeks until Christmas. I am excited for the holiday season to begin. I haven't made a list in awhile... perhaps a future blog post will feature a Christmas list!!! Stay tuned. :-) 

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