Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Little Play Never Hurts

Remember how I worked for a zillion days in a row? Well, I've still been working, but I think I used up all of my mental energy during the previous weeks. I cannot concentrate at work - partly because I can't stop thinking about our new puppy and reading things about dogs online.

And so... here are all of the non-work things I've squeezed in over the last few days.

One morning I went golfing with Andy, one of his adult students, and the adult student's wife. I only stayed for the first 9 holes, but it's the first time I've ever actually golfed a full 9 holes. I'll toot my own horn and say that I did a pretty good job considering. Andy got really close to a hole in one! And the other big news from the golf outing was that we came up with the name for our little pup - Birdie. :-)

On Friday night, we had a lovely dinner over at Will and Rose's house. That gave me a nice chance to snuggle with Luna.

While we were there, we played "Morphology" - basically Pictionary but using items to create sculptures rather than drawing. It was really fun! And of course, the girls dominated. :-)

After work on Saturday, Andy and I hit the sales. He bought a new pan - and later cooked us his most delicious meal to date. We also got Birdie her first possession... a place for her toys!

We also did a little spring cleaning this weekend. I ended up doing a deep clean of the dining room. It looks AMAZING now, but it definitely got turned upside down in the process.

Andy and I decided to hit the sales once again on Memorial Day, and this time headed to the outlets. We spent a lot of time there, especially at the Croc store. I know, I know... not exactly the most fashionable, but they are all SO comfortable!!! We each ended up getting two pairs.

We spent the afternoon with Andy's extended family (dad's side) for an indoor BBQ as it was raining on and off. 

And there you have it! All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy... thankfully work isn't really busy for another week, so I expect more play to be on the table in the near future.

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