Friday, May 1, 2015

Mayday May Day

It's May 1st! Dare I say it finally feels like spring is here to stay? I might even move my snow brush to my trunk!

With only a little more than a month left in the orchestra's season, Job #1 is getting to be pretty busy. And of course Job #2 is still happening. When I look at my schedule, the next date where I have nothing scheduled for work is May 24th. Ugh. UGH.

This past week at work has pretty much been spent getting ready for all of the things coming up. We also took time to recognize our volunteers at a special recognition night, as well as say goodbye to our interns as they are graduating. My intern is the one of the left!

Ok enough about work. I've been looking at Pinterest a lot on my downtime and now really want to learn how to do a dutch braid. After several days of trying, I finally had a somewhat successful attempt this morning (with wet hair... that seemed to help a lot).

It was too messy to keep for work so I didn't leave it in, but I'm still pretty pleased with how I'm coming along!

I know... what an exciting life I lead. ;-)

In true exciting news though, my mom booked a family vacation for us. Come August, Andy, my parents, and I are going on a cruuuuuuuise!!!!! Yahoo!!!! I can't tell you how badly Andy and I both need a vacation after these last 4 months!

Ok, but let's get back to Pinterest. I came across this really interesting post about a girl who lived according to the Pinterest Popular Page. She had some successes and some failures, which I can definitely imagine. It got me thinking about what I use Pinterest for, and whether or not it really adds to my life or if it makes me feel bad about myself (because I can't live up to all of the perfect things that are on there).

It's a pretty easy answer... I have definitely benefited from Pinterest. Here's what I've gotten out of it:

- Wedding ideas. TONS of the things I did for my wedding, from invitations, flower arrangements, cake decor, groom/groomsmen attire, and picture ideas came directly from Pinterest. I'm not sure how I could have planned my wedding without it.

- Fashion. Ok, so I don't replicate the exact outfits I see, but I do find outfits I like, see what I already own, and then shop for other things that would complete the look. It was in searching for "how to wear ankle boots" that I convinced myself I should buy some... and I ended up wearing them all the time!

- Recipes. Yes, I've pinned more recipes than I've made, but pretty much everything I've made has turned out well.

- House decor. Our bedroom is modeled off of a pin I found. And when I was putting things on the shelves we hung in our living room I once again consulted Pinterest for how to decorate them. I know that sounds weird, but it helped! I've also implemented a few of the organization ideas I got from Pinterest that have also proven to be very good.

- Work ideas. I find so many good ideas for kids crafts whenever I have to organize kids concert activities. At the last one, a mother came up to me and said, "I saw this on Pinterest!" Why yes, yes you did.

- Laughs. Have you even checked out the humor section? It's pretty funny.

I don't try the things that I'm not interested in or know I wouldn't be great at (like contouring with makeup). But I really just scroll right passed those things - I don't get caught up a feel like a failure for not being able to do it. I'm usually searching for something specific and am rarely let down. If you haven't tried Pinterest, I'd give it a shot!

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