Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Lent + Luna

It is Ash Wednesday, so Lent begins today! Lisa, thank you for the suggestion of doing burpees, but there is NO way that is going to happen, lol. It was fun to talk to people at Midtown last night about their plans for Lent.

- Kristin is giving up unnecessary shopping.
- Marcia is also giving up unnecessary shopping.
- Ted is giving up online shopping, pizza, and eating after 9pm.

And I believe I will stick with my original plan - let the push-up challenge begin! Both Anna and Lani are going to play the push-up game with me. :-) We will be so buff in 40 days, lol. Here is my first push-up! (I hope my form gets better!!)

I am also dog sitting for Will and Rose. Meet Luna!

Luna is a sweetheart, but I do think she was nervous last night to be in a new place. She barked every time she heard something, and her hearing is amazing, so there was a lot of barking.

Speaking of sounds, last night Ted and I talked about what sounds were soothing to us. Here are some sounds that make me feel calm and happy...

- rain
- dishwasher
- washing machine/dryer
- the sound of a train at night

I guess they are all sounds that remind me of home. I'm sure the last one seems strange to most, but a train would go through the valley every night and I could hear it in my bedroom growing up... and even now we live close enough to train tracks that I can hear the train each night too. So I associate nighttime train noises with being safe and sound at home.

What sounds do you like? I wish I could find out some soothing sounds for Luna, but I'm sure she will adjust soon. :-)

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