Friday, February 27, 2015

Great Day at Work!

Haha, don't blink! You most likely won't see that title again for a loooooooooong time, but in the last 24 hours, things have been pretty great!

Wednesday afternoon we had a video shoot with our new music director. I was involved, my ideas were welcomed, and it turned out well.

Lani came over in the evening to help make brownies. We are on the Committee for Recognition and Morale and it was our task to bake brownies for the February birthday celebration scheduled for the next day. It was fun hanging out! It was not as fun being able to smell the brownies, without being able to eat them...

The February birthday party was a big success.

But the best part.... I have been working on a proposal to over-turn the fee for our Tiny Tots concerts that was implemented three years ago. I presented it at a meeting that our CEO was at, and he approved it on the spot! I really made a change!!! It's so exciting!!!

Not much else is going on - I've mostly just been working. I'm sad to say I have not done an exercise video in over a week and I miss doing them. :-( However, I have kept up with my Lent push-up challenge. Today I have to do 10 push-ups. Yikes!

Alright that's enough for now. Hope you are all doing well!

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