Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Lots of Snow and a Tow

Well... things are not exactly getting any better....

On Monday we had a ton of snow, and of course, the person who is supposed to snow blow around our house was AWOL. And so... I shoveled... a lot.

As I said in my last post, our office was mean and made us come to work. However, they did let us leave at 3:00. That was nice, but it still took me over an hour to get home. I got stuck once (had to go forward/backward a gazillion times to get unstuck) and then had to wait for a long time while a semi-truck got unstuck - he was blocking the intersection. But I made it home safely which is all that matters, and with a little extra time on my hands I turned into uber-productive girl and cleaned pretty much the whole house. I even did a cheesy exercise video!

On Tuesday I woke up feeling energized. The house was clean, I was still feeling congratulatory for eating well and exercising the day before... then I tried to start my car. D.E.A.D. I tried for a solid hour to get it to start. Not happening. Thankfully Bipul was able to give me a ride to work. THANK YOU BIPUL!!!

Work was blah. Then Anna and Bipul gave me a ride from Job#1 to Job #2 - thank you again!!!!! The best part of Job #2 was Ted's orange peel art...

If anyone wants to hire Ted for a kid's birthday party or something, I'd be happy to put you two in touch. ;-)

Then Ted let me leave early so Kristin could give me a ride home. THANK YOU KRISTIN!!!

What a pain to not have a car, especially on the day where I work both jobs, but it was really nice to have so many people come to my rescue. Once I was home, I tried starting my car again. Nothing. And so...

...I had my car towed to the shop. :-( And I have a feeling it is going to cost lots of money. :-( :-(

And that's how things stand!

Ok, I think I owe you all a list because it's been awhile. Ted said he would be a professional orange peeler if that were a real job. Here's a list of random professions I would be good at if such things existed...

- planner/calendar filler-outer (actually... isn't that the job of an Executive Assistant?)
- peanut butter eater
- opinion giver :-)
- dog petter

What fake job would you want to have?


  1. -Crock-Pot Chef
    -Kettle Corn Inspector
    -Baby Clothing Designer
    -Nursery Interior Designer
    -Professional Saxophone Duo w/you
    -Theme Park Inspector
    -Owner of Disney World

  2. Nichi and Lisa! Those are all very good and very fitting to you both. ;-)

  3. Snow lover
    Dog lover
    Taking mom and Babs shopping lover!

  4. Professional "removes the sheet of plastic from the face of new electronics" person
    Life judger
    The winner of the "I'm actually pretty out of shape" American Ninja Warrior competition
    One of the people who runs a marathon so fast they get to pee during it and it's ok because they're so fast (that's a real job though)
    Anna Wintour

    Also: you forgot to put "denim biter" on your list.
