Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Game On

Yippee ki yay! If you can't tell, I'm starting to run out of Texas greetings... I also apologize for only posting every other day, and for straying from the list feature of the blog, but... well, I'm on vacation, so deal with it, lol.

We arrived at my Mema's house to watch the Cowboys' game. Mema goes all out whenever the Cowboys play.

We bet on the score for each quarter of the game, and I ended up winning for two of the quarters. It made watching football a lot more fun. The Cowboys won and I ended up with $12.50. Not too bad!

Other than the football game, the day was a blur of mexican food (tamales, tacos, and nachos) and Farkle. Now... I know it sounds like Farkle might be the result of eating Mexican food, but you would be mistaken, haha. Farkle is a dice game my dad had. It was a lot of fun, although this time the boys won, not the girls.

The games continued! But first there was some shopping to be done. :-)

Oh how I love Nordstrom Rack.

We spent the evening back at Mema's house. After a few rounds of Farkle we pulled out some cards and played all sorts of games.

I really like playing games. I wish I played them more in my regular life, but there never seems to be enough time, or enough people to be honest. At least I can enjoy it right now! Oh what the heck, let's have a little list.

Here are some of my favorite 'board' games to play...
- The Game of Things
- Balderdash
- Cards Against Humanity

Any other good games out there I should know about? Please tell!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, games! We have a wall of board games, btw. You and Andy have to come visit so we can play! :)
