Monday, December 8, 2014

Let's Get Crafty

It's Monday so I'm back at work. It also means that ListLove has been alive for a week. Thank you to those who are still reading! I'm having fun with this, so I hope you are enjoying it too. :-)

This coming Sunday is the orchestra's annual holiday concert for families, which means I will be in arts and crafts mode until then. It's actually my favorite part of my job. Today I finished my first activity for the kids...

The object is to throw the "snowballs" through the hole in the snowman. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. And the best part about painting on a Monday... it's an excuse to wear jeans to work! Mwahahaha!!!

I've always liked to paint. I remember when I was about 6 or so, I tried to copy a Bob Ross painting and it actually turned out pretty well! My mom is very talented when it comes to all things arts and crafts, so I'd like to think I've picked up a few tips from her along the way.

Some things I like to paint include...
- Pottery. I love those paint-your-own-pottery places. I've painted platters, mugs, a bowl... I even painted a ceramic lizard while Andy and I were on our honeymoon.
- My nails. I especially got excited when I realized I could use the tip of a bobby-pin to paint polka dots.
- The deck. Every so often my parents repaint their deck, and I always like helping. I know it's not that exciting, but I think it's soothing to paint, and I also like that you can instantly see the progress you are making.

One day I'd like to participate in one of those "Painting with a Twist" classes I've heard so much about. You receive step-by-step instruction while getting to enjoy a glass of wine. Yes please!

Any other painters out there? Finger painters? Body painters?

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