Monday, December 1, 2014

Welcome to ListLove!

Hello! Thank you so much for checking out my first post on ListLove. Why a blog? What's up with the title? Let's get started, shall we?

Why I have a blog

I see blogging as a way to stay in touch with people I don't get to see or talk to everyday. In a way, I suppose it's my alternative to being on Facebook. I know I enjoy my friend Nicole's blog for that exact reason - I love seeing all of her pictures and hearing about what she's up to in her daily life - it makes me feel closer to her even though we live so far away... and so I hope my blog provides that feeling of closeness for others as well.

Why ListLove

It's simple really. I love lists. I mean, I LOVE lists. I can remember making incredibly detailed lists of my day when I was younger. They looked something like this...

7:00 Wake Up
7:05 Go to the bathroom
7:10 Shower
7:25 Teeth, Contacts, Deodorant
7:30 Get dressed
7:45 Do hair
8:00 Makeup
8:10 Breakfast

You get the gist. If I weren't making a "time-specific" list, then they looked more like this...

Make a List
Practice Saxophone
Math Homework
Call Sheena
Etc, etc...

The first line of my list would always be "make a list," that way I'd have something to cross off as soon as I was done! I loooooove crossing things off of lists.

The obsession continues today. I keep a "Master List" at work. I list out what I eat and how I exercise each day. And of course there are the random "to do" lists as well.

So there you have it! If you decide to come back (and I hope you do!) you are sure learn what I'm up to and see lots of pictures... and don't be surprised if any or all of the posts involve some type of list!


  1. I love lists too, Babs! Looking forward to reading your lists. Miss you!!!!!!

  2. I miss you too Lisa! Can't wait for Operation:Candide!!!
