Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Office Holiday Party

Last night was the orchestra's holiday party. It's kind of nice since Andy and I both work for the same organization, we both know a lot of people.... no awkward work/spouse socialization! Since he was busy talking to lots of people, I got to spend most of my time with my friend Lani!!

Having been to several of these in the past, I knew the importance of quickly claiming a table. It's true... we started the cool kids table, and had a lot of fun. However, we did not have a lot of food. Perhaps in an effort to cut costs, they also decided to cut 99% of the food. As we were leaving, Andy actually asked, "Can we have real dinner now?" 

The best part of the night was when our finance team got recognized for the work they do. They are some of my favorite people in the office, and it was nice to see them get some credit for a job that almost always goes unnoticed. 

Once we were home from the holiday party, I parked it on the couch with some ice cream and watched the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Those girls are so beautiful. It almost inspired me to eat better and hit the gym again.

In addition to the VS Fashion Show, here's a list of other girly guilty pleasure shows I enjoy...
- Pageants. Miss USA, Miss America, etc. I love them all.
- Toddlers and Tiaras. Probably not a big surprise since I love pageants.
- America's Next Top Model.
- Say Yes to the Dress

So basically if there are pretty girls and/or pretty outfits, I'm a big fan.

Anyone else out there with me??

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